Coffee With Mom

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Things no one told me...


I’ve wanted a baby for so long of course I developed my own pair of rose-colored glasses to go along with that dream. I imagined this beautiful brown skin clear and glistening. This perfectly long thick lush hair blowing in the breeze. Cute sundresses and angelic photo shoot with all of my cool mommy-to-be gear and so much more. Well, that was BS. Lol at least so far. In reality, my hair is changing texture, and is half straight half curly and all dry. smdh Thanks to mask mandates my skin is oily and the black heads have taken up residence on my chin making it look like skid row at the height of the crack epidemic littered with dark spots and broken hearts. I've tried everything and my skin pretty much flipped me the bird, and let's not forget how sensitive it is to everything which causes a rash or breaks out even when I'm careful.

Little did I know this was only the beginning…

I could deal with the skin if that was it. We also have nausea, vomiting, aches and constipation joining the party! I can literally be mid-sentence and the most disgusting belch or clap of thunder fart slips out embarrassingly making me wish I could run and hide. Nausea makes breathing depressing and the metallic taste in my mouth makes me feel like I am chewing on batteries. The nausea meds have officially plugged me up worse than a locker room shower drain and the exhaustion from my constant insomnia has me in tears rocking back and forth like I’m on the verge of a breakdown. I am still holding out hope for the glow the pregnancy brings but until then I'll just eat the saltines, keep spraying this Poopari , and pray no one notices I look like a pizza face with braids. Lol

Send Help ASAP!!! LBVS

Signed ,

A first trimester Mom-to-be