Vlogs and Video Goodies

One of my Loves is definitely video. So here you will find links to my YouTube page where you can subscribe, share, and comment on a wide range of topics. In an age of technology of course we have to record lol besides who doesn't want their 15 mins of fame? lol I do!


This was my very first video! Our Facebook debut! Check it out!

This is our official FB welcome video! Enjoy

Can You Have It All?

This is the universal question!

The question comes up with women at so many points in life, Can I have it all? After children that question becomes more complicated. Let's talk about it!


Bullying touches us all in some way it's how we address it that will matter...

While not the easiest topic bullying is something that must be addressed. This week I discuss my take on the matter

Dating!!! With Kids Is it Rough or Nah!

I have tons of Friends who are mothers and single so the topic of dating always come up so I thought we would sit, sip, and discuss!

Grown Children Need Moms Forever!

Road tripping with my mommy and I had a revelation!